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Once upon a time there was Spirulina

Turtleneck & Shellfish . Well-being. Gastronomy

Spirulina, its scientific name Spirulina Arthrospira, is a filamentous blue-green spiral-shaped cyanobacterium. Appetizing isn't it? Before you think about leaving this read, let us explain how this bacteria can improve your well-being and why the WHO (World Health Organization) has classified it as a SUPER food. We promise we will remain fun and playful. 

The cultural…scientific moment 

Billions of years old, cyanobacteria participated in the appearance of life on earth thanks to their process of transforming CO2 into organic matter which produces oxygen: and yes, just that.

Our well-being ally 

Composed of proteins, vitamins, minerals and iron, spirulina has a certain interest for our well-being and is one of the most widely used food supplements today. Made without specific treatment and without cooking, unlike other products, it retains all its essential nutrients. 

Now it's your turn. What do you think are the main benefits of spirulina?  

  1. Boosts the immune system
  2. Improves endurance and resistance
  3. Helps get in shape
  4. Helps with weight control and normal blood sugar levels
  5. Strengthens natural defenses and vitality
  6. Promotes body resistance
  7. Natural source of antioxidants to fight oxidative stress

Answer: All… and yes impressive for a bacterium! 

Can we find them in Gironde?

(It's nice to ask the question)
You should know that spirulina grows naturally in several countries such as India, Mexico and now France. To benefit from the best nutrients, it is essential to promote short circuits. This is good because we have several addresses to advise you in Gironde: 

Libournaise Spirulina 

Here, Gilles Petit grows spirulina on a farm near Libourne. Created in 2019, it accommodates 900 m2 of greenhouses and a first cultivation basin of 300 m2. The online store will allow you to buy spirulina in all its forms: powder, twigs and tablets.  

Val de L'Eyre Spirulina

The first spirulina farm in Gironde, Val de l'Eyre spirulina offers a responsible artisanal approach that involves quality production, gentle processing techniques but above all reasoned cultivation methods. Online, you will find the sale of pure spirulina of course, but also mixed with spices or even chocolate. 

Julie's Spirulina 

Passionate about this micro-algae, Yann and Julie decide to make it their life and build their farm in 2016. But it was in 2019 that their culture took a new turn by extracting phycocyanin, the blue pigment from their spirulina which has a record rate. In the shop, spirulina but also chocolate, cereal bars and beauty products like soap! 

La Pointe d'Argent Spirulina 

It is in Médoc, between estuary and ocean, that this farm develops its spirulina. An approach appreciated by Médoc residents, who are increasingly coming to the farm to discover the cultivation of this ingredient unlike any other. Available online, their products are also often found in markets such as Saint-Vivien or Lacanau. 

The Green Gold Farm 

Bordeaux friends, we have not forgotten you! Located in Bruges, the Ferme de l'Or Vert offers organic spirulina for sale. When you come, Arthur and Fatima will be happy to teach you all the benefits of spirulina. Tasting possible on site by reservation. 

If with this you have not found what you are looking for, we promise not to wear a turtleneck anymore...  

Suggestion Spirulina recipe

Smoothie cocooning

Cocooning smoothie