
The natural areas of the department

La department environment directorate and Gironde Tourisme collaborate to allow a better discovery of the natural spaces by the tourists and the Girondins and to make the link with a sustainable development of the territories.
Priorities have been defined :
– General promotion of nature sites managed by the Department
– Promote the integration of nature sites in tourist areas
– Support on quality procedures
– Specific monitoring of the Tree House project in Hostens
– Formalization of a work methodology

Some illustrations of the actions implemented

The quality, labeling and responsible tourism center has been working for a long time with the environment department on accessibility to all of the natural sites of the Department which are being developed to accommodate the public. Several of them have been labeled Tourism & Disability label .

Your contacts



Deputy to the Director in charge of the Roaming & Ecotourism division
Tel. 06 27 46 36 02